The Knife

Written: 1996
Released: 2001 on
'The Ballad Of Ruben Garcia'
Notes: Inspired by a song sung by Serge
Reggiani, 'Le Grand Couteau' (The Big Knife),
about a man who imagines that a letter for his
wife is from an illicit lover, whom he will go out
and stab with his big knife...

I'm keeping a knife
Where nobody knows
I'm keeping it safe
And I'm keeping it sharp
And maybe I'll kill
And maybe I won't
The man that you run to
When you think no-one sees

Then maybe the mornings
Would feel less like evenings
And maybe the evenings
Would feel less like death
And maybe the summers
Would feel less like winters
If I put an end
To the lies and the cheating

But still I remember
Those days in the summer
Laughing and dancing
The hours away
And still I remember
When I first kissed you
Still I remember that night
I'm keeping a knife
Where nobody knows
I'm keeping it safe
And I'm keeping it sharp
And maybe I'll kill
And maybe I won't
The man that you run to
When you think no-one sees

For so many years
I've waited and waited
There by the window
For you to come in
And tell me how often
You found me sleeping
And opened my eyes
With the sweetest of kisses
But still I remember
Those days in the summer
Laughing and dancing
The hours away
And still I remember
When I first kissed you
Still I remember that night

I'm keeping a knife
Where nobody knows
I'm keeping it safe
And I'm keeping it sharp
And maybe I'll kill
And maybe I won't
The man that you run to
That bastard you run to
For the bastard you run to
Is me

© Philip Jeays 1996