Terry's Dog

Written: ????
Released: 2000 on 'Cupid Is A Drunkard'
Notes: Based on the true life of a blind
friend in the south of France, Thierry. I've anglicised
the name, but apart from that, the rest is all true.
Thierry inspired the song by telling me about trips
to Lourdes, and how they would hang up the crutches
of people they had cured there, and how, one day, if
they cured him, he would do the same to his dog...

Now Terry is as blind as blind as blind can be
But still he hopes he might be cured by God's divinity
And though we try to tell him not to hope too much
And that these Gods are very old and may have lost their touch
Still every now and then we take him down to Lourdes
Where they hang up all the crutches of the people they have cured
And though they haven't helped him yet he says that one day if they do
There in God's trophy cabinet he'll hang his guide dog too

But Terry's dog is smiling
He must know something we don't know
Oh yes Terry's dog is smiling
But he doesn't let it show
Though sometimes late at night he
Sounds just like he might be
Taking the piss
Is that dog barking or laughing?

Now Terry himself would be the first to confess
That he's rather partial to the sins of the flesh
And though we try to tell him that he might find
That's the very reason why he first went blind
Still we take him down the brothel and let him have a bash
We tell him that she's beautiful well why waste all his cash
But Terry dreams of loving a woman other than a whore
She'll lead him on so sweetly till he can show that dog the door

But Terry's dog is smiling
He must know something we don't know
Oh yes Terry's dog is smiling
But he doesn't let it show
Though sometimes late at night he
Sounds just like he might be
Taking the piss
Is that dog barking or laughing?

Though Terry's not religious of Bacchus he's a fan
He likes to get completely pissed as often as he can
And though we try to tell him it's not very fair
Being blind to get blind drunk he's always half way there
Still every night we take him round the cafes and the bars
We sit there softly dreaming of a world that could be ours
A world where everybody's blind to the differences within
All races and religions and the colour of their skin

But Terry's dog is smiling
He must know something we don't know
Oh yes Terry's dog is smiling
But he doesn't let it show
Though sometimes late at night he
Sounds just like he might be
Taking the piss
Is that dog barking or laughing?

© Philip Jeays ????